Bring the Power of the Earth into your Home! 

Well-Being For All of Us

Grounding has been proven to be effective to combat inflamation and all the related lifestyle diseases that accompany it. Grounding will greatly reduce aches and pains in your body and flood your system with energy and vitality.

Grounding Bedsheets

Grounding Mats

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What is Grounding?

Grounding is the direct contact of our skin to the surface of the earth. 

Grounding has been linked to improved health and well-being. Diverse cultures all over the world, for thousands and thousands of years have talked about the incredible benefits of Grounding. 

Buy Grounding Mats & Bed Sheets

Grounding Indoors!

Almost every modern home has plug sockets. And most plug points have grounding to prevent electrical surges in power supply from messing up expensive electronic gadgetry. The “Earthing Point” of the plug will flush off excess electrical outages into the Earth.

Using safe and innovative technology, we at Grounding India have made grouding products that will allow you to ground yourself while you are indoors.

Simply plug in our grounding mat or bedsheet into any power point in your home and touch it with your bare skin and you will instantly begin to reap the amazing benefits of grounding – all from the comfort of your own home.

At Home

Grounding bedsheets made of organic cotton interwoven with thin silver wires. Plug and sleep. You will reap the tremendous benefits of grounding as you slumber through the night.

At Work

Our aesthetically pleasing designs for grounding mats make them unobtrusive and fit in any office. Use from the floor or use as a mouse pad. Plug in and touch with bare skin and you are grounded!

Benefits of Grounding 

Reduces Inflammation

90% of all chronic health issues are linked to excessive or persistent inflammation. Grounding is one of the simplest way to deal with this.

Better Sleep

Sleep is the foundation of health. Sleep powers success. Grounding everyday guarantees better quality sleep, resulting in… well – better quality everything!

Decreases Pain

If you awaken with dull aches and pains each day, you will find that when you ground yourself, these melt away like dew drops on a sunny morning.

Reduces Blood Viscosity

Cardiovascular risk is directly related to blood viscosity. Grounding can dramatically reduce the chances of any heart conditions.

Decreased Stress Response

Grouding can help shift us from our sympathetic state to our parasypathetic state, thus creating a more robust Nervous System.

Increases Heart Rate Variability

Heart Rate Variability is the interbeat betweeen heartbeats. This is related to better recovery, better emotional resilience, and overall well-being. 

Improves Wound Healing

Grounding is perhaps the simplest and quickest modality that can be integrated into alternative healing methods.

Improves Cortisol Rhythm

Too much cortisol and you feel stressed. Too little and you will feel drowsy.A proper Cortisol rhythms means you are more alert and prductive through the day. 

You have the power to impact your Quality of Life…

Bring in the Anti-Oxidative Power of the Earth right into your home or workplace.

Say Hello to Health

A beautifully designed, unobtrusive grounding mat made with soft fibre and thin copper foil interwoven together. Simply use the cord that comes with it to plug it into any plug socket. Then touch with your bare skin, and say goodbye to chronic or excessive Inflammation and all the associated health risks.

Our grounding sheets are made with the softest of organic pure cotton fabrics, interwoven with thin silver wires. Use the cord that comes with it to plug the bedsheet into any plug point and enjoy 8+ hours of grounding each night as you slumber. You will awaken refreshed and energised like never before.

Bid farewell to all those little aches and pains that plague you, that you always thought were part of you. Sleep on a grounding bed sheet for a few weeks and you will. be pleasantly surprised with the sense of well-being that you will experience.

At Home

Grounding bedsheets made of organic cotton interwoven with thin silver wires. Plug and sleep. You will reap the tremendous benefits of grounding as you slumber through the night.

At Work

Our aesthetically pleasing designs for grounding mats make them unobtrusive and fit in any office. Use from the floor or use as a mouse pad. Plug in and touch with bare skin and you are grounded!